The Urban Art Museum has as its primary objective the insertion of the language of contemporary art in the public space to favor an extended didactic.
In addition to the central nucleus of intervention in the Borgo Campidoglio, the MAU has, since 2014, at the request of various subjects, brought its experience and operating methods, centered on the involvement of citizens, associations and schools of the territories, in other areas of Turin, as widely reported in the attachment “MAU 2020”
The Urban Art Museum has as its primary objective the insertion of the language of contemporary art in the public space to favor an extended didactic.
In addition to the central nucleus of intervention in the Borgo Campidoglio, the MAU has, since 2014, at the request of various subjects, brought its experience and operating methods, centered on the involvement of citizens, associations and schools of the territories, in other areas of Turin, as widely reported in the attachment “MAU 2020”
At the suggestion of District 6 we made acquaintance with the Association “la Lavandera ed ij Lavandè ‘d Bertula” and with that suggestive and little known village, also for its difficult location.
From the dialogue was born the desire to carry out, with the coordination of Vito Navolio, a work of re-enactment of the historic tradition of the Bertolla Lavandai, aimed at a historical-didactic comparison with Associations and Schools. Final objective is the realization of a series of mural works in a logic of participation and sharing of interventions with the territory in order to enhance an area of Turin with a great historical charm and to support the work of those who, over the years, have tenaciously defended it the image.
The first cycle ended a few days ago, with the creation of three mural works painted by Vito Navolio, operational manager of the MAU Didactics and inventor of the “Author’s Benches”, and by Margherita Bobini and Andrea Gritti, young artists and collaborators of the MAU, coming from the fertile nursery of the Albertina Academy, of which the President Edoardo Di Mauro is currently Director.
The first two works were carried out in the second half of 2019 in the green area of the former Nexity, in an interior of Strada Bertolla.
The third one has just been completed on the wall of Teresa Montaldo’s house, in Strada Comunale Bertolla 139 / a, historical custodian of the cultural tradition of the district and President of the “la Lavandera ed ij Lavandè ‘d Bertula” Association.
Institutional supporters: Piedmont Region, Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation, CRT Foundation, District 6 Municipality of Turin, Municipality of Turin Leisure Time Sector.
Technical sponsor: OIKOS Color and Matter for Architecture,
Fiammengo Federico srl
Artistic Direction of the MAU Gallery: Daniele D’Antonio and Edoardo Di Mauro
Partner: Tribù Association of the Bad Night Cafè / Cabin of Diffused Art, Officine
Brand, Galleria Campidoglio
Info : 335 6398351
Rassegna Stampa:
Torino Cronaca del 27/05/2020