THURSDAY 1 OCTOBER 2020 FROM 6:15 PM TO 8:30 PM visit SAT & MAUA at MAU EXTERNAL BADNIGHTCAFE ‘ 2007-2020 Thirteen years of Badnight 1 October 2020 8.30 pm – 10.30 pm @ MAU, outside facing Galleria MAU, via Rocciamelone
“Tales of art”, accessible guided tours to the works of the Turin Urban Art Museum Saturday 3 and 17 October at 10 am
“Tales of art”, accessible guided tours to the works of the Turin Urban Art Museum Saturday 3 and 17 October at 10 Fucina Campidoglio presents “Art Tales”, accessible guided tours to the works of the Turin Urban Art Museum as
33rd edition of the Grape Festival in Via Nicola Fabrizi and the first Market Exhibition of the Piedmont Publishers Committee
33rd edition of the Grape Festival in Via Nicola Fabrizi and the first Market Exhibition of the Piedmont Publishers Committee A weekend of “slow movida” in the Campidoglio district and Piazza dei Mestieri on 19 and 20 September. From 18,
Finissage of Art in Showcase
A weekend of “slow movida” in the Campidoglio district and Piazza dei Mestieri on 19 and 20 September. From 18, 19 and 20 September Bierfest Platz 4th edition in the suggestive location of Piazza dei Mestieri in Via Jacopo Durandi
Inauguration of new works by Mr. Fijodor and Spider at Dogana. With guided tour
The Museum of Urban Art (MAU) is the only museum in Europe entirely dedicated to public art. This extraordinary place represents an open air gallery of contemporary art, available to citizens. We invite you to share with us a visiting
Guided tours of the MAU and Art in Vetrina on 25 July and 8 August 2020
Featured Art Fucina Campidoglio was born from the collaboration between cultural operators of Campidoglio, who have decided to join forces to promote the best that exists in the District and in the Borgo. MAU Museum of Urban Art, CCNA Campidoglio,
Featured Art
Fucina Campidoglio was born from the collaboration between cultural operators of Campidoglio, who have decided to join forces to promote the best that exists in the District and in the Borgo. MAU Museum of Urban Art, CCNA Campidoglio, Punto G
Treasure Hunt @MAU – Street Art Escape
The Museum of Urban Art organizes an unprecedented escape tour. The #streetart will be the protagonist of this #SocialGame …. but only the fastest team will be able to win a collector’s prize !!!! Credit: / 366.238.63.48 The treasure
(Italiano) Per il 25 aprile Fucina Campidoglio “spaccia” Pillole Resistenti #Torino25aprile
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(Italiano) #25aprilesempre #Torino25aprile
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