In Via Balme 35 è stata installata il 17 settembre è stata posizionata “Assembly”, l’opera di Viola Gesmundo: tre lastre di alluminio 90x150cm dipinte a spray.









Biografia artista

My name is Viola Gesmundo. I am a italian Architect and freelance illustrator . I draw on any surfaces, paper, founded objects, wood, wall and skin too. I research the perfect LINE in a space and I follow it. I love simple and symbolic Illustrations and I´m obsessed with black and red colors and I’m a researcher patterns and texture in the city. I’m live and work between Turin and Rotterdam, where I partecipate to the art-in-residence program in the Foundation B.a.d. For any information or if you want to collaborate just contact me


Rassegna stampa


Torino Cronaca Qui del 19 settembre 2019


cronacaqui 19092019

Una nuova opera al MAU di Viola Gesmundo, “Assembly”

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